We are searching over 80,000,000 number plates for you, this could take up to 30 seconds.
Car Registration Years
On cars and vehicles registered after the suffix number plate style came into play in 1963, the number plate used to always have a year identifier.
There may be restrictions on what registration plate you can have on your vehicle, depending on the age of it. Before choosing a registration plate please read the below information to ensure you will be able to display the plate on your vehicle.
Vehicles cannot use a registration plate that suggests that it is newer than it actually is.
Platehunter.com is a trading name of Supplied to You Ltd.
Registered in England 08865745. 9 The Foxes, Telford. TF7 4NH.
Platehunter.com is a recognised reseller of DVLA registrations.
Disclaimer: DVLA is a registered trade mark of the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency.
Platehunter.com is not affiliated to the DVLA or DVLA Personalised Registrations. Platehunter.com is a recognised reseller of DVLA registrations.
Supplied to you Ltd t/a Platehunter is a credit broker, not a lender and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 744362). We do not charge you for credit broking services. We will introduce you exclusively to Newpay finance products provided by NewDay Limited.
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